Modeling, Fiction, Imagination
“Models, Fictions and Realism: Two Packages”, Philosophy of Science (2012), 79(5):738-748
“Modeling without Models”, Philosophical Studies (2015), 172(3):781-798
“Model Organisms are not (Theoretical) Models” (with Adrian Currie), British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (2015), 66(2): 327-348.
“Models and Scientific Realism: Strange Bedfellows?”, in Saatsi, J. (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Scientific Realism (2017), London: Routledge.
“Models and Fictions: Not So Similar After All?”, Philosophy of Science 87(5): 819-828 (2020).
”Modeling and Simulation in Evo Devo” (with Brett Calcott), forthcoming in Nuño de la Rosa, L. & Müller, G.B. (Eds.), The Evolutionary Developmental Biology Reference Guide. (2021), Springer
“Idealization and Abstraction: Refining the Distinction”. Synthese (2021) 198: 5855-72.
“The Epistemic Imagination Revisited” (with Ori Kinberg) Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. (2022)
“Models, Fiction and the Imagination” Forthcoming in Knuuttila, T. (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Scientific Modeling.
“Thought Experiments in the Philosophy of Science” Forthcoming in Currie, A. and Veigel, S. (Eds.) Philosophy of Science – A User’s Guide (MIT Press).
Explanation, mechanisms (& other topics in general philosophy of science)
“Three Kinds of New Mechanism”, Biology & Philosophy (2013), 28 (1):99-114
“Machine-likeness and Explanation by Decomposition” Philosophers’ Imprint (2014), 14(6)
“Causal Order and Kinds of Robustness”, in Gissis, S., Lamm, E., Shavit, A. (Eds.), Landscapes of Collectivity in the Life Sciences, (2017). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
“Why Experiments Matter” (with Adrian Currie). Inquiry (2019), 62(9-10): 1066-1090.
”Metaphor and Scientific Understanding”, in Levy, A. & Godfrey-Smith, P. (Eds.) The Scientific Imagination: Philosophical & Psychological Perspectives, (2020) Oxford University Press.
“Beyond Machine-Like Mechanisms” (with William Bechtel) in Holt, L., Serban, M. & Sune Holm (Eds.), Living Machines? Philosophical Perspectives on the Engineering Approach in Biology, (2021). London: Routledge.
“Molecular-Biological Machines: a Defense” Forthcoming in Biology & Philosophy. (2023).
Philosophy of Biology (including philosophy of cog/neuro science)
“Information in Biology: A Fictionalist Account”, Noûs (2011) 45(4):640-657
“What was Hodgkin and Huxley’s Achievement?” British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (2014), 65 (3):469-492
"Design sans Adaptation" (with Sara Green and William Bechtel), European Journal for Philosophy of Science (2015), 5(1):15-29.
“Engineering & Biology: Counsel for a Continued Relationship” (with Brett Calcott, Mark Siegel, Orkun Soyer and Andreas Wagner), Biological Theory (2015), 10(1): 50-59.
”The Unity of Neuroscience: a Flat View”, Synthese (2016), 193(12): 3843–3863.
“What, if anything, is Biological Altruism?” (with Topaz Halperin). British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. (2021)
“Can Bayesian Models of Cognition Show That We Are (Bayes) Rational?” Philosophy of Science. (2023)
Evolution and morality
“Game Theory, Indirect Modeling & the Origins of Morality”, Journal of Philosophy (2011) CVII(4):171-187
”The Debunking Challenge to Realism: How Evolution Ultimately Matters” (with Yair Levy), Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy (2016), 11(1): 1-12.
“Evolutionary Models and the Normative Significance of Stability”. Biology and Philosophy, 33(5-6) (2018)
“Evolutionary Debunking Arguments Meet the Science of Evolution” (with Yair Levy). Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 100(3):491-509. (2020)
“Evolutionary Debunking of (Arguments for) Moral Realism.” (With Itamar Weinshtock Sa’adon) Synthese. (2023).
“Models, Fictions and Realism: Two Packages”, Philosophy of Science (2012), 79(5):738-748
“Modeling without Models”, Philosophical Studies (2015), 172(3):781-798
“Model Organisms are not (Theoretical) Models” (with Adrian Currie), British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (2015), 66(2): 327-348.
“Models and Scientific Realism: Strange Bedfellows?”, in Saatsi, J. (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Scientific Realism (2017), London: Routledge.
“Models and Fictions: Not So Similar After All?”, Philosophy of Science 87(5): 819-828 (2020).
”Modeling and Simulation in Evo Devo” (with Brett Calcott), forthcoming in Nuño de la Rosa, L. & Müller, G.B. (Eds.), The Evolutionary Developmental Biology Reference Guide. (2021), Springer
“Idealization and Abstraction: Refining the Distinction”. Synthese (2021) 198: 5855-72.
“The Epistemic Imagination Revisited” (with Ori Kinberg) Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. (2022)
“Models, Fiction and the Imagination” Forthcoming in Knuuttila, T. (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Scientific Modeling.
“Thought Experiments in the Philosophy of Science” Forthcoming in Currie, A. and Veigel, S. (Eds.) Philosophy of Science – A User’s Guide (MIT Press).
Explanation, mechanisms (& other topics in general philosophy of science)
“Three Kinds of New Mechanism”, Biology & Philosophy (2013), 28 (1):99-114
“Machine-likeness and Explanation by Decomposition” Philosophers’ Imprint (2014), 14(6)
“Causal Order and Kinds of Robustness”, in Gissis, S., Lamm, E., Shavit, A. (Eds.), Landscapes of Collectivity in the Life Sciences, (2017). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
“Why Experiments Matter” (with Adrian Currie). Inquiry (2019), 62(9-10): 1066-1090.
”Metaphor and Scientific Understanding”, in Levy, A. & Godfrey-Smith, P. (Eds.) The Scientific Imagination: Philosophical & Psychological Perspectives, (2020) Oxford University Press.
“Beyond Machine-Like Mechanisms” (with William Bechtel) in Holt, L., Serban, M. & Sune Holm (Eds.), Living Machines? Philosophical Perspectives on the Engineering Approach in Biology, (2021). London: Routledge.
“Molecular-Biological Machines: a Defense” Forthcoming in Biology & Philosophy. (2023).
Philosophy of Biology (including philosophy of cog/neuro science)
“Information in Biology: A Fictionalist Account”, Noûs (2011) 45(4):640-657
“What was Hodgkin and Huxley’s Achievement?” British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (2014), 65 (3):469-492
"Design sans Adaptation" (with Sara Green and William Bechtel), European Journal for Philosophy of Science (2015), 5(1):15-29.
“Engineering & Biology: Counsel for a Continued Relationship” (with Brett Calcott, Mark Siegel, Orkun Soyer and Andreas Wagner), Biological Theory (2015), 10(1): 50-59.
”The Unity of Neuroscience: a Flat View”, Synthese (2016), 193(12): 3843–3863.
“What, if anything, is Biological Altruism?” (with Topaz Halperin). British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. (2021)
“Can Bayesian Models of Cognition Show That We Are (Bayes) Rational?” Philosophy of Science. (2023)
Evolution and morality
“Game Theory, Indirect Modeling & the Origins of Morality”, Journal of Philosophy (2011) CVII(4):171-187
”The Debunking Challenge to Realism: How Evolution Ultimately Matters” (with Yair Levy), Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy (2016), 11(1): 1-12.
“Evolutionary Models and the Normative Significance of Stability”. Biology and Philosophy, 33(5-6) (2018)
“Evolutionary Debunking Arguments Meet the Science of Evolution” (with Yair Levy). Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 100(3):491-509. (2020)
“Evolutionary Debunking of (Arguments for) Moral Realism.” (With Itamar Weinshtock Sa’adon) Synthese. (2023).
Book reviews
How to Do Science with Models: A Philosophical Primer by Axel Gelfert [In: Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2017]
Review essay of "In Search of Mechanisms" [Philosophy of Science, 2015].
Anchoring Fictional Models [Biology & Philosophy, 2013]
Makes a Difference [Biology & Philosophy, 2011, 26: 459-467]
Explaining What? [Biology & Philosophy, 2009, 24: 137-145]
The Organic Codes [with Eva Jablonka, Acta Biotheoretica, 52 (1): 65-69]
Review essay of "In Search of Mechanisms" [Philosophy of Science, 2015].
Anchoring Fictional Models [Biology & Philosophy, 2013]
Makes a Difference [Biology & Philosophy, 2011, 26: 459-467]
Explaining What? [Biology & Philosophy, 2009, 24: 137-145]
The Organic Codes [with Eva Jablonka, Acta Biotheoretica, 52 (1): 65-69]